Genuine Spectra SL-128 AA Dimatix Q Class...
The Spectra SL-128 AA is a highly compact and light-weight jetting assembly designed specifically for ink jet applications requiring multiple Printheads packed tightly together.
Condition: New product
Reference: Roland DX4 Eco Solvent
Mimaki JV22,Mimaki JV4,Mutoh RJ-8000,Roland FJ-540,Roland FJ-740
Condition: New product
Security policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)
Delivery policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)
Return policy (edit with Customer reassurance module)
Genuine Roland DX4 Eco Solvent Print Head-1000002201
Roland SOLJET ProII SJ-540,SJ-645EX,SJ-655EX,SJ-740,SJ-745EX,SJ-1045EX, SJ-1000,SC-540,SC-545EX,
Roland VersaCAMM SP-300V, SP-540V, VP-300, VP-300I, VP-540I,
Roland SOLJET PRO III XJ-640, XJ-740, XC-540, XC-540W, XC-545MT,
Roland VersaCAMM Print & Cut VS-540/540I,
Roland VersaArt RS-640,
mimaki jv3(jv3-130, JV3-130sp, JV3-160, JV3-160sp, JV3-250, JV3-250sp etc.)
Mutoh RH-II(Falcon2), RH-3, Mutoh RJ-8000, Spitfire 65, Spitfire 90,
Blizzard 65, Blizzard 90, MY-44743.
Printer compatibility:
Canon Océ CS9265
Canon Océ CS9290
Canon Océ CS9065
Canon Océ CS9090
Mimaki JV3-130S
Mimaki JV3-130SL
Mimaki JV3-130SP II
Mimaki JV3-160S
Mimaki JV3-160SP
Mimaki JV3-250SP
Mimaki JV3-75SP II
Mimaki TX2-1600
Mutoh Blizzard 65
Mutoh Blizzard 90
Mutoh Rockhopper 3 65
Mutoh Rockhopper 3 90
Mutoh Rockhopper 3 Extreme 65
Mutoh Rockhopper 3 Extreme 90
Mutoh Rockhopper II 50
Mutoh Rockhopper II 64
Mutoh Rockhopper II 87
Mutoh Rockhopper II k Plus
Mutoh Rockhopper II-2H
Mutoh Rockhopper II-4H
Mutoh Spitfire 100 Extreme
Mutoh Spitfire 65
Mutoh Spitfire 90
Mutoh Valuejet 2606
Roland CJ-540
Roland FJ-540
Roland FJ-640
Roland FJ-740
Roland FP-740
Roland LEC-300
Roland LEC-330
Roland LEC-540
Roland LEF-12
Roland LEF-20
Roland LEJ-640
Roland RS-540
Roland RS-640
Roland SC-540
Roland SC-545ex
Roland SJ-1000
Roland SJ-1045ex
Roland SJ-540
Roland SJ-640
Roland SJ-645ex
Roland SJ-740
Roland SJ-745ex
Roland SP-300
Roland SP-300i
Roland SP-300v
Roland SP-540i
Roland SP-540v
Roland VP-300
Roland VP-300i
Roland VP-540
Roland VP-540i
Roland XC-540
Roland XC-540mt
Roland XJ-540
Roland XJ-640
Roland XJ-740
Roland LEF-300
Roland LEF-12i
Roland LEF-200
Uniform Cadet
Uniform Cadet Plus
Uniform Fusilier
Xerox 8265
Xerox 8365
Xerox 8290
Xerox 8390